Work Projects
Built out Database connections and helped with Styling of page
The good ones work at what they're good at. The great ones work at what they're not good at.
My name is Matt Roland and I am a IT Professional from Nashville, TN. I have a degree in IT Management with a focus in Web Application development at Lipscomb University and am working to receive my certificate of completion for a coding bootcamp with Vanderbilt University and will complete the course in Feburary 2022. I am always strving to be the best that I can be as a IT professional and am looking to further my development career.
Built out Database connections and helped with Styling of page
Worked On: HTML/CSS
Worked On: HTML/CSS Clean-Up
Built out the Functionality of the Weather API
Phone Number: 615-390-0107
Email Address:
Please click CLICK HERE to view my resume in pdf format.